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Categoria: Artificial Intelligence

Customer engagement, un fidanzamento con promessa continua di matrimonio

Qualche riflessione mattutina prima di vestire i panni di giornalista e iniziare il viaggio alla scoperta di Watson e delle sue applicazioni nel mondo del marketing by Depositphotos   Sono a Las Vegas e nel momento in cui scrivo sono le 4.30 del mattino. Il jet-lag si fa sentire e anziché girarmi nel letto in…
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Le 10 tecnologie del 2017: pochi mesi e vedremo ‘passi da giganti’

Avranno impatti significativi sulla politica, sull’economia, sulla medicina e la nostra cultura sociale. Parlo delle tecnologie di cui sentiremo molto parlare nei prossimi mesi. Alcune sono già tangibili e in uso, altre necessitano ancora di qualche anno per maturare, ma sarebbe meglio ‘tenerle d’occhio’.   Di analisi e ricerche su come le tecnologie cambieranno le…
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Il computer quantico sposa il machine learning

Si parla di Quantum Machine Learning ed è quell’area dell’informazione quantistica che combina la velocità del quantum computing con le abilità dell’autoapprendimento e dell’adattamento del machine learning e dell’intelligenza artificiale. E se già il mondo degli algoritmi corre veloce, immaginate dove andrà con un motore in grado di operare su variabili continue con un numero…
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Perché la singolarità (e il cervello bionico) non mi fa paura

È l’uomo ‘la cosa’ più intelligente del nostro Universo? Il cervello bionico, sarà un male?   Cyber Woman – by Depositphotos   Se partendo dal termine ‘singolarità’ pensavate di leggere le riflessioni sulle caratteristiche specifiche di una qualche persona, con conseguente esaltazione del proprio essere quale elemento distintivo in un mondo di masse, allora preparatevi…
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Is Artificial Intelligence the new disruptive wave?

  The overall Artificial Intelligence (AI) market is expected to be worth USD 16.06 Billion by 2022, growing at a CAGR of 62.9% from 2016 to 2022 (source: The major factor driving the artificial intelligence market globally is the growing number of applications of AI technologies in various end-user verticals and the growing adoption…
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Our life in 2030: outlooks from one of the most compelling study on AI

  How will our life be in 2030? All the answers from seventeen-member panel of the ‘The One Hundred Year Study on Artificial Intelligence’, comprised of experts in AI from academia, corporate laboratories and industry, and AI-savvy scholars in law, political science, policy, and economics that have considered recent advances in AI and potential societal…
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Experimental research: my journey in Wonderland

The scanning tunnelling microscope, for which the two scientists won a Nobel Prize and which then led to the atomic force microscope with which one can now study molecular structures and their ‘behaviour’, up to nanotechnologies for advanced diagnostics. Here’s what happens in the state-of-the-art experimental research centre where IT’s technological evolution is just a…
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Just a decade and we’ll have quantum computing

  Computational calculus based on qubits and neuromorphic chips: this is the new computing expertise at work in the IBM research center in Zurich – systems that might lead to new and even more powerful cognitive systems. In a decade we might already see the first ‘standard’ quantum computer   A center of pure experimental…
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Our future with nanotechnology

Today, computational power makes it impossible to emulate the human brain but, at now, it is not economically and energetically sustainable: a human brain consumes less energy to solve problems than a machine, however, increasingly intensive miniaturization enables unparalleled processing performance and intelligence system. GpGPU Computing and Quantum Computing are two areas where we expect…
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Artificial Intelligence and Cognitive Computing… new horizons

Although a number of technological limitations still prevent Artificial Intelligence from developing into the apocalyptic scenarios that the film industry has been inundating us with for decades, the progress of cognitive systems and their application in business contexts is not going to stop. In fact, it is likely to become ever stronger in view of…
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