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Tag: social networks

Customer engagement, un fidanzamento con promessa continua di matrimonio

Qualche riflessione mattutina prima di vestire i panni di giornalista e iniziare il viaggio alla scoperta di Watson e delle sue applicazioni nel mondo del marketing by Depositphotos   Sono a Las Vegas e nel momento in cui scrivo sono le 4.30 del mattino. Il jet-lag si fa sentire e anziché girarmi nel letto in…
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Italy and smartphone: we are the furthest boor in Europe

  Compulsive use of the smartphone gives Italy as the “rudest nation of Europe”. This is what comes out from a Global Mobile Consumer Survey by Deloitte in 2016. As the number of circulating mobile phones increases in Italy, there has been an exponential increase of the time that Italians spend, even in the dead…
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Talent recruiting: meritocracy in the social media Era

In the era of Big Data and analysis of large amounts of unstructured data, social networks become an incredible reservoir for the retrieval of information, opening up countless business opportunities for companies. We are used to analysing the phenomenon from the perspective of business and go-to-market models and how these generate new channels of communication…
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