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Tag: 3D printing

Industria 4.0 a portata di PMI (delucidazioni su incentivi e sgravi fiscali)

Smart manufacturing, IoT, Big Data Analytics, Augmented Reality… ma secondo voi, la piccola e media impresa italiana ci capisce qualcosa?   Industry 4.0 Infographic – by Depositphotos   “Il successo del piano Industria 4.0 [presentato lo scorso ottobre dal Governo Renzi al Ministro dello Sviluppo Economico, Carlo Calenda] dipenderà dal livello di adozione degli strumenti…
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The 10 tech trends of the future

Which technologies will guide and enable the most dramatic and significant changes in your environment over the next 3-5 years? This is the question Gartner asked to a large panel of CIOs and CEOs all over the world, then outlining the scenario of future technological trends that vice president & Gartner fellow David Cearly illustrated…
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